1 infrared reflectance
IRR, infrared reflectanceEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > infrared reflectance
2 infrared reflectance
Военный термин: коэффициент отражения ИК излучения -
3 infrared reflectance
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > infrared reflectance
4 attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
5 diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectra
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectra
6 diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
7 diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy
скор. DMFTEnglish-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary > diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy
1) Медицина: (near infrared) свет ближней (длинноволновой) инфракрасной области спектра2) Военный термин: national inventory record, naval infantry regiment, near infrared region, next inferior rank, nonidentified regiment, nonimaging infrared, normal intelligence report, nose impact rocket3) Сокращение: Near Infra-Red, Near Infrared, Northern Ireland Railways4) Физиология: Natural Increase Rate, New Intravascular Rigid5) Электроника: Near Infrared Reflectance6) Вычислительная техника: Network Information Registry / Retrieval, Near InfraRed (Space)7) Экология: ближняя ИК-область спектра8) Сетевые технологии: normalized information rate, стандартизованная скорость передачи информации9) Расширение файла: Network Information Retrieval10) Чат: Nirvana If Real -
1) Общая лексика: Внутренняя норма доходности, Institute for Risk Research2) Медицина: infusion-related reaction (инфузионная реакция)3) Военный термин: Integrated Radio Room, Intelligence Readiness Report, Intelligence Requirement Request, immediate ready reserve, improved rearming rates, individual ready reserve, individual ready reservist, individual retirement record, infrared radiometer, infrared rays, infrared receiver, infrared reflectance, infrared reflective, interim release request4) Техника: Institute for Reactor Research, Israeli Research Reactor5) Экономика: внутренняя норма окупаемости инвестиций (internal rate of return)6) Бухгалтерия: внутренняя норма рентабельности (internal rate of return)7) Сокращение: Individual Ready Reserve (USA), Infra-Red Radiation, Integral Rocket / Ramjet, Integrated Radio Room (USA)8) Вычислительная техника: Interrupt Request Register (IC)9) Нефть: internal revenue rate, investment rate of return10) Банковское дело: внутренняя ставка дохода (internal rate of return), иранский риал (Iranian rial)11) Деловая лексика: Information Request Response12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: initial recoverable reserves, ВНР (internal rate of return), внутренняя норма прибыли (Internal Rate of Ruturn), возврат на вложенный капитал (Internal Rate of Ruturn), норма возврата инвестиций (Internal Rate of Ruturn)13) Инвестиции: Iranian rial, internal rate of return14) НАСА: Infra Red Resistant -
10 irr
1) Общая лексика: Внутренняя норма доходности, Institute for Risk Research2) Медицина: infusion-related reaction (инфузионная реакция)3) Военный термин: Integrated Radio Room, Intelligence Readiness Report, Intelligence Requirement Request, immediate ready reserve, improved rearming rates, individual ready reserve, individual ready reservist, individual retirement record, infrared radiometer, infrared rays, infrared receiver, infrared reflectance, infrared reflective, interim release request4) Техника: Institute for Reactor Research, Israeli Research Reactor5) Экономика: внутренняя норма окупаемости инвестиций (internal rate of return)6) Бухгалтерия: внутренняя норма рентабельности (internal rate of return)7) Сокращение: Individual Ready Reserve (USA), Infra-Red Radiation, Integral Rocket / Ramjet, Integrated Radio Room (USA)8) Вычислительная техника: Interrupt Request Register (IC)9) Нефть: internal revenue rate, investment rate of return10) Банковское дело: внутренняя ставка дохода (internal rate of return), иранский риал (Iranian rial)11) Деловая лексика: Information Request Response12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: initial recoverable reserves, ВНР (internal rate of return), внутренняя норма прибыли (Internal Rate of Ruturn), возврат на вложенный капитал (Internal Rate of Ruturn), норма возврата инвестиций (Internal Rate of Ruturn)13) Инвестиции: Iranian rial, internal rate of return14) НАСА: Infra Red Resistant -
11 IRR
IRR, immediate ready reserve————————IRR, improved rearming rates————————IRR, individual ready reserve————————IRR, individual ready reservist————————IRR, individual retirement record————————IRR, infrared radiometer————————IRR, infrared rays————————IRR, infrared receiver————————IRR, infrared reflectance————————IRR, infrared reflective (additive)————————IRR, interim release requestEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > IRR
сокр. от electrochemically modulated infrared reflectance spectroscopy -
сокр. от near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy -
14 hologram
aberrated hologram
aberration-free hologram
absorption hologram
achromatic fringe hologram
acoustical hologram
acoustic hologram
addressing hologram
amplitude-modulation hologram
amplitude hologram
amplitude-phase hologram
analog hologram
angularly encoded holograms
aplanatic hologram
astigmatic hologram
axial hologram
back-reference beam hologram
bandwidth reduced hologram
beat frequency hologram
bichromated gelatin hologram
binary hologram
black-and-white hologram
bleached hologram
Bragg-effect hologram
Bragg hologram
bright-field hologram
carrier frequency hologram
coded hologram
code-transform hologram
coding reference beam hologram
coherent hologram
color encoded hologram
color encode hologram
colored hologram
color hologram
complementary hologram
complex hologram
composite hologram
compound-image hologram
computed hologram
contact-copy hologram
continuous-exposure hologram
contour hologram
copied hologram
coupling hologram
dark-field hologram
data hologram
deep hologram
deflecting hologram
Denisyuk hologram
denser hologram
developed hologram
dichromatic hologram
difference frequency hologram
diffused hologram
diffuse hologram
digitally generated hologram
digitized hologram
diminished hologram
discrete-point hologram
discriminating hologram
displacement hologram
Doppler-imaged hologram
double-exposed hologram
double-exposure hologram
double-pulse hologram
double-recorded hologram
duplicated hologram
electrically erasable hologram
electron hologram
embossed hologram
encoded hologram
enlarged hologram
erasable hologram
evanescent waves hologram
evanescent hologram
exposed hologram
far-field hologram
ferroelectric hologram
filtered hologram
fine detailed hologram
flat substrate hologram
focused-image hologram
Fourier-transform hologram
Fourier hologram
Fraunhofer diffraction hologram
Fraunhofer hologram
frequency encoded hologram
Fresnel diffraction hologram
Fresnel hologram
frozen-fringe hologram
full channel hologram
full color hologram
full view hologram
Gabor-type hologram
Gabor hologram
gamma-ray hologram
ghost hologram
gray hologram
high bit-density hologram
high storage-density hologram
high-contrast hologram
high-efficiency hologram
highly redundant hologram
high-resolution hologram
horizontal parallax only hologram
horizontal parallax hologram
image hologram
image plane hologram
incoherent hologram
infinite fringe hologram
in-focus hologram
infrared hologram
in-line hologram
in-situ developing hologram
instant hologram
interference hologram
ionic hologram
isoplanatic hologram
large-aperture hologram
laser hologram
latent hologram
Leith-Upatnieks hologram
lens-assisted hologram
lensless hologram
light hologram
line hologram
linearly recorded hologram
Lippmann-Bragg hologram
liquid hologram
liquid-crystal hologram
low-noise hologram
magnetic hologram
magnetooptic hologram
magnified hologram
master hologram
memory hologram
microscopic hologram
microwave hologram
mixed hologram
monochrome hologram
multichannel hologram
multicolor hologram
multiexposed hologram
multiple-exposed hologram
multiple hologram
multiple-exposure hologram
multiple-object beam hologram
multiple-phase hologram
multiplexed hologram
multiplex hologram
multiplexing hologram
near-field hologram
nonlinearly recorded hologram
nonoptical hologram
nonredundant hologram
object-beam coded hologram
off-axis hologram
offset hologram
on-axis hologram
optical hologram
optically erasable hologram
optically formed hologram
optically generated hologram
optically recorded hologram
original hologram
overdeveloped hologram
overexposed hologram
panoramic hologram
phase hologram
phase-contrast hologram
phase-modulated hologram
phase-modulating hologram
photochromic hologram
photoetched hologram
photographic hologram
photopolymer hologram
photoreduced hologram
planar hologram
plane hologram
polarization hologram
postexposure hologram
preexposure hologram
primary color hologram
processed hologram
pulsed laser hologram
radar hologram
rainbow hologram
readable hologram
reconstructed hologram
recorded hologram
reduced bandwidth hologram
redundant hologram
reference hologram
reflectance hologram
reflection-reconstructed hologram
reflection hologram
reflection-reflection hologram
reflection-transmission hologram
reflective-type hologram
reflective hologram
refractive beam hologram
relief hologram
replicated hologram
ring hologram
sampled hologram
sample hologram
sampling hologram
scalar hologram
scaled hologram
scale hologram
scanned detector hologram
scanned source hologram
secondary hologram
sector-scan hologram
self-developing hologram
sequentially exposed hologram
single-color hologram
single-exposed hologram
single-layer hologram
slightly overlapping holograms
slit hologram
sound wave hologram
sound hologram
space-division multiplexed hologram
spatial carrier hologram
spatial frequency encoded hologram
speckle-free hologram
spectroscopic hologram
spherical substrate hologram
split-beam hologram
stereographic hologram
strip hologram
strobed hologram
stroboscopic hologram
subchannel hologram
superimposed holograms
surface hologram
surface-relief hologram
thermally developed hologram
thermally erasable hologram
thermochromic hologram
thermoplastic hologram
thick film hologram
thick hologram
thick-coated hologram
thin film hologram
thin hologram
three-dimensional hologram
three-exposure hologram
time-averaged hologram
time-multiple-exposure hologram
total internal reflection hologram
total reflection hologram
transmission-reflection hologram
transmission-transmission hologram
transmissive hologram
transparent hologram
true color hologram
two-beam hologram
two-color hologram
two-dimensional hologram
two-exposure hologram
unbleached hologram
underdeveloped hologram
underexposed hologram
undersampled hologram
uniaxial hologram
visible-light hologram
volume hologram
white-light hologram
wide-angle hologram
xerographic hologram
X-ray hologram
zone plate hologram -
15 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость•-
absorption spectrum
acoustic spectrum
amplitude spectrum
antimicrobial spectrum
arc spectrum
atomic spectrum
audible frequency spectrum
Auger spectrum
banded spectrum
band spectrum
blackbody spectrum
common spectrum
comparison spectrum
continuous spectrum
control spectrum
cross spectrum
dark-line spectrum
diffraction spectrum
discontinuous spectrum
discrete viscoelastic spectrum
electric spectrum
electromagnetic spectrum
electronic spectrum
electron spectrum
emission spectrum
energy spectrum
equilibrium spectrum
ether spectrum
fine spectrum
flat spectrum
frequency spectrum
grating spectrum
heave response spectrum
infrared spectrum
interference spectrum
inverse spectrum
inversion spectrum
light spectrum
line spectrum
luminescence spectrum
machining spectrum
mass spectrum
microwave spectrum
molecular spectrum
noise spectrum
normal spectrum
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum
nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrum
nuclear spectrum
operational stress spectrum
optical spectrum
oscillation spectrum
parts spectrum
part spectrum
photodetachment spectrum
pitch response spectrum
polarized spectrum
power spectrum
pulse spectrum
pyrolytic spectrum
quasi-line spectrum
radiation spectrum
radio spectrum
Raman spectrum
Rayleigh spectrum
reflectance spectrum
relaxation spectrum
resonance spectrum
roll response spectrum
sea state spectrum
service load spectrum
size spectrum
solar spectrum
solubility spectrum
sound spectrum
spark-excited spectrum
spectrum of turned parts
spectrum of workpieces
transmission spectrum
ultraviolet spectrum
vibrational spectrum
vibration spectrum
visible-light spectrum
visible spectrum
wavelength spectrum
wave spectrum
white spectrum
X-ray spectrum -
17 drift
1. diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy - ИК Фурье-спектроскопия диффузно рассеянного излучения;2. diversity receiving instrumentation for telemetry - средства разнесённого приёма телеметрических сигналов; аппаратура для разнесённого приёма телеметрических сигналов;3. dynamic reliability instantaneous forecasting technique - динамический метод мгновенного прогнозирования надёжности -
скор. від diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy -
20 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость•- spectrum of matrix
- spectrum of operator
- absorption spectrum
- acoustic spectrum
- AM spectrum
- amplitude spectrum
- arc spectrum
- atomic spectrum
- audio spectrum
- autocorrelation spectrum
- background spectrum
- band spectrum
- band-limited spectrum
- baseband spectrum
- bounded spectrum
- Brillouin spectrum
- canonical spectrum
- characteristic spectrum
- complex spectrum
- connected spectrum
- continuous spectrum
- correlation spectrum
- cosine rolloff spectrum - degenerate spectrum
- direct-sequence spread spectrum
- discrete spectrum
- eigenvalue spectrum
- ether spectrum
- extended spectrum
- direct spectrum
- displaced spectrum
- Doppler-broadened spectrum - electromagnetic spectrum
- electron spectrum
- emission spectrum
- energy spectrum
- energy-density spectrum
- exchange-coupled spectrum
- exciton spectrum
- ferromagnetic-resonance spectrum
- finite spectrum
- flat spectrum
- FM spectrum
- folded spectrum
- frequency hopping spread spectrum
- Gaussian spectrum
- generalized spectrum
- group spectrum
- hyperfine spectrum
- IBOC spectrum
- in-band/on-channel spectrum
- infrared spectrum
- inverse spectrum
- joint spectrum
- line spectrum
- log spectrum
- luminescent-emission spectrum
- magnetic hardness spectrum
- magnetic-permeability spectrum
- mass spectrum
- maximum-entropy spectrum
- microwave spectrum
- mixed spectrum
- Mössbauer spectrum
- optogalvanic spectrum
- paramagnetic-resonance spectrum
- perturbed spectrum
- phase spectrum
- phonon spectrum
- power spectrum
- power-density spectrum
- pulse-train spectrum
- pulse-train frequency spectrum
- quadrature spectrum
- quasi-discrete spectrum
- quasi-line spectrum
- radio spectrum
- raised-cosine spectrum
- Raman spectrum
- Rayleigh spectrum
- recombination-radiation spectrum
- rectangular spectrum
- reflectance spectrum
- regression spectrum
- regular spectrum
- required response spectrum
- RF spectrum
- rotation spectrum
- rotation-vibration spectrum
- sferics spectrum
- singular spectrum
- smoothed spectrum
- spread spectrum
- stochastic spectrum
- ultraviolet spectrum
- uniform spectrum
- vibration spectrum
- white spectrum
- X-ray spectrum
- ε-spectrum
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform — Spectroscopy (DRIFTS)[1] is an infrared spectroscopy spectra technique used on powder samples with no preparation. The sample is added to a sample cup and the data is collected on the bulk sample. The infrared light on a sample is reflected and… … Wikipedia
Attenuated total reflectance — (ATR) is a sampling technique used in conjunction with infrared spectroscopy which enables samples to be examined directly in the solid or liquid state without further preparation.cite web | year=2005 | title=FT IR Spectroscopy Attenuated Total… … Wikipedia
Germanium — (pronEng|dʒɚˈmeɪniəm) is a chemical element with the symbol Ge and atomic number 32. It is a lustrous, hard, silver white metalloid in the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon. Germanium has five naturally… … Wikipedia
773 Irmintraud — Infobox Planet width = 25em name = 773 Irmintraud background = #FFFFC0 discoverer = Franz Kaiser discovered = December 22, 1913 discovery site = Heidelberg mp name = Irmintraud mp category = Asteroid alt names = 1913 TV orbit ref = epoch = August … Wikipedia
Military camouflage — See also: List of camouflage patterns Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division (US Army) wearing the Army Combat Uniform in MultiCam … Wikipedia
Drap de Lirey — Suaire de Turin Négatif du visage du linceul de Turin, 1898 Le suaire de Turin aussi désigné linceul de Turin est un drap en lin ancien qui montre l image d un homme présentant les traces de tortures physiques correspondant à un crucifiement. Il… … Wikipédia en Français
Face du Christ — Suaire de Turin Négatif du visage du linceul de Turin, 1898 Le suaire de Turin aussi désigné linceul de Turin est un drap en lin ancien qui montre l image d un homme présentant les traces de tortures physiques correspondant à un crucifiement. Il… … Wikipédia en Français
Linceul de Turin — Suaire de Turin Négatif du visage du linceul de Turin, 1898 Le suaire de Turin aussi désigné linceul de Turin est un drap en lin ancien qui montre l image d un homme présentant les traces de tortures physiques correspondant à un crucifiement. Il… … Wikipédia en Français
Suaire de Turin — 45°04′23″N 07°41′09″E / 45.07306, 7.68583 … Wikipédia en Français
Suaire de turin — Négatif du visage du linceul de Turin, 1898 Le suaire de Turin aussi désigné linceul de Turin est un drap en lin ancien qui montre l image d un homme présentant les traces de tortures physiques correspondant à un crucifiement. Il est conservé… … Wikipédia en Français
Chromatophore — Zebrafish chromatophores mediate background adaptation on exposure to dark (top) and light environments (bottom). Chromatophores are pigment containing and light reflecting cells found in amphibians, fish, reptiles, crustaceans, and cephalopods.… … Wikipedia